About Me

da plane!! da plane!!

I have no idea how it happened. but somehow I managed to get a section to myself! 3 seats, just me. for the most part, I'm still using one seat, cause well... I feel bad taking up all three seats, the guy behind me has the same deal. he's all sprawled across all the seats like he owns the place. yes, it's a privilage to be in this situation, but I don't want to make others feel bad that their crammed together. for the most part I've been passed out. so my jet lag will be REALLY bad when I land. good fortune still working?? :P

I had a dream about the plane, that we were flying 100k feet in the air. think armageddon, instead of an led to display speed, it was feet. everyone was happy and cheering since it would get us to our destination faster? ya no sense. but hey, it was a dream.

I wonder what part of the atmosphere is 100k feet. no wifi on the plane, so I can't even look it up! wow my battery is estimated to last for 8-9 hrs just typing in notepad. I love that!! it's a foreign concept to me, for a laptop battery to last more than 3 hrs.

Mood: look at all this room!!

11/25/2010 2:00:00 AM

