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on my way home

I'm on the plane back home. fun fun! ... I'm feeling a little sick. headachy and trying to keep the plane food down. it's not the best food, partly cause UR sense of smell is off when UR in the air, so things taste funny.

in every new place, I have problems sleeping. jet lag kind of threw me off in the first place, leaving me 4 hrs of sleep at night and napping whenever I was in the car for more than 30 min. so I slept in my parent's apt in taichong for the first time. hard time to go to sleep, hard time to stay passed out early in the morning. @ 6 there was machinery, like garbage collection or a giant truck with a lift moving inventory. I'd rather have the roosters...

night of the 22, I went to the night market in taichong. it was good, lots of food and shopping. mostly clothes and random trinkets. I tried smelly tofu for the first time. I'm keeping with my "yes" deal when it came to food. trying anything that was offered to me. my growing belly is proof!! yes, it's definately not as bad as it smells, I almost threw up smelling the sauce. it helped that I love tofu... I got some engrish shirts for my sis and a friend. I got a few dress shirts. I feel bad. since the clothes I fit in are either L or XL I feel kinda fat :( well, since I'll have jetlag for a few days... I'll be able to have an extra workout in the middle of the night.

last night I met 2 friends back to back. first was a friend that met at tac oh about... 8-9 years ago. talking to her was interesting. I found out that I fall for people easilly and when I do, it's very... intense. it's how I am. I rarely do anything half ass, especially when it comes to something like love. a lot of times I can accept people not having any feelings for me. I think after one of my best friends confessed his feelings to someone, and the girl didn't want to talk to him ever again, I'm actually greatful if they still talk to me. ya. kind of messed up in a way... but I'm weird anyway. talking to her, I found that we have a lot of personality traits in common. I sooo didn't see it coming, then again it has been a LONG time since I last talked to her more than a facebook message. I also met fobii for the first time. she's always had a special place in my heart. she's one of my closest friends, we've been through a lot. we've known each other for 8 years, and chatting online for most of it. definitely weird seeing her in person. my uncle joined us for dinner, I felt kind of weird since they were talking in mandarin for 2/3 of the time. I do my usual where I just tune people out since I didn't understand. I feel like I didn't get to talk to her that much. oh well.. I'll see if I can visit again sooner than 2 years.

partly because of my ex, it helped me relize how warm and inviting my family is. I've always been kind of closed off to my family, a lot of it is because the used to tease me a lot. now I just don't care about the teasing, I'll live my life the way I want.

I read some of my previous entries a few days ago. I forgot about myself. I relized that I most likely end up single for the rest of my life. that anything more is a bonus. that I don't have to give into the social standard of marriage. that I should just be happy for my life, the things I'm doing, the people that are invovled.

Mood: happy that I'm going home. sad that I'm leaving part of my family.
Location: somewhere over japan

11/24/2010 8:38:00 PM

